视频播放组件实战【LivePlayer H5播放器】

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视频播放组件实战【LivePlayer H5播放器】

2023-09-13 23:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

在公司项目开发中,有一个项目里面需要做一个视频播放的功能,播放方式是调用海康平台提供的接口获取流地址来进行视频的播放并且最重要的是需要支持flash。由于前端用的Vue,对比了几个,最后选择了LivePlayer H5播放器。

官网介绍:H5直播/点播播放器,使用简单,功能强大, 免费使用。

官网地址:https://www.liveqing.com/docs/manuals/LivePlayer.html github源码地址:https://github.com/livegbs/GB28181-Server




在这里插入图片描述 属性(Property)

video-url: 视频流地址 String default ‘’video-title:视频右上角显示的标题 String default ‘’poster:视频封面图片 String default ‘’autoplay: 自动播放 Boolean default truecontrols 显示播放器控制栏 Boolean default trueloop 是否循环播放 Boolean default falselive 是否直播, 标识要不要显示进度条 Boolean default falsealt 视频流地址没有指定情况下, 视频所在区域显示的文字, 相当于 html img 标签的 alt 属性 String default ‘无信号’muted 是否静音 Boolean default falseaspect 视频显示区域的宽高比, fullscreen 即是全屏展示 String default ‘16:9’loading 指示加载状态, 支持 sync 修饰符fluent 流畅模式, Boolean default truestretch 是否拉伸, Boolean default falsetimeout m3u8 加载超时(秒) Number default 20show-custom-button 是否在工具栏显示自定义按钮(极速/流畅, 拉伸/标准), Boolean default trueresolution 供选择的清晰度配置 String 如 “yh,fhd,hd,sd” ( 说明:yh:原始分辨率,fhd:超清,hd:高清,sd:标清,不配置则不启用,需要提供多清晰度源,比如原画源是test.m3u8,则hd源即为test_hd.m3u8 )resolutiondefault 默认播放的清晰度 String “hd”playback-rates 倍速列表, Array default [0.5, 1, 2, 3]playback-rate 默认倍速, Number default 1hasaudio HTTP-FLV播放时使用:是否有音频,传递该属性用于处理只有音频或只有视频的源 Boolean,默认不配置自动判断hasvideo HTTP-FLV播放时使用:是否有视频,传递该属性用于处理只有音频或只有视频的源 Boolean,默认不配置自动判断


play 播放pause 暂停paused 获取暂停状态getCurrentTime 获取当前播放时间进度, 同步返回播放时间进度数据snap 外部 API 方式获取快照, 快照获取成功后, 触发 snapOutside EventgetMuted 获取静音状态setMuted 设置静音状态isFullscreen v1.7.6 获取全屏状态requestFullscreen v1.7.6 触发全屏, 需要放置到交互事件回调中调用, 如果已处在全屏状态, 则退出全屏getVolume v1.7.7 获取音量setVolumev1.7.7 设置音量, 0~1


message m3u8 加载失败时触发通知消息, 参数: { type: ‘’, message: ‘’}error 播放器出错回调, 参数: Error Objectended 播放结束, 参数: 无timeupdate 进度更新, 参数: 当前时间进度pause 暂停, 参数: 当前时间进度play 播放, 参数: 当前时间进度snapOutside 外部快照回调, 参数: 快照 Base64 数据snapInside 内部快照回调, 由控制栏快照按钮触发, 参数: 快照 Base64 数据


一、安装:npm install @liveqing/liveplayer


const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); ...... // copy js lib and swf files to dist dir new CopyWebpackPlugin([ { from: 'node_modules/@liveqing/liveplayer/dist/component/crossdomain.xml'}, { from: 'node_modules/@liveqing/liveplayer/dist/component/liveplayer.swf'}, { from: 'node_modules/@liveqing/liveplayer/dist/component/liveplayer-lib.min.js', to: 'js/'} ]), ......




xxx ... ... ...

四、编辑 Vue 组件

...... import LivePlayer from '@liveqing/liveplayer' ...... components: { LivePlayer } ......


窗口{{rowIdx*winNum + colIdx + 1}}:{{cameraName}} HLS流 RTMP流 关闭 import LivePlayer from '@liveqing/liveplayer' import { getPreviewURLs,controllerHik } from '../../../../api/zhgd/video/hikVideo.js' export default { name: 'myVideoPlayer', props: ['cameraId', 'videoUrl', 'videoTitle', 'cameraName', 'rowIdx', 'colIdx', 'winNum'], components: { LivePlayer }, data() { return { showPTZ: 'showPTZ' + this.rowIdx + this.colIdx, iconClass: 'el-icon-d-arrow-right', ptzTop: 20, isShowTab: this.videoUrl !== '', protocol: 'hls', bLoading: false // ptzRight:50, // videoUrl: 'rtmp://' } }, watch: { protocol(val) { console.log(this.rowIdx + '---' + this.colIdx + val) const params = { t: Math.random(), code: this.cameraId, protocol: val, streamType: '1' }; getPreviewURLs(params).then(data => { if (data.code === '0') { let purl = data.data.url; if (window.location.host.indexOf('') === 0) { purl = data.data.url.replace('', ''); } this.videoUrl = purl; } }); } }, methods: { chgTabState() { if (this.iconClass === 'el-icon-d-arrow-right') { $('#showPTZ' + this.rowIdx + this.colIdx + ' > .left-panel-accordion-content').css('width', '190px'); // $('#showPTZ' + this.rowIdx + this.colIdx + ' > .showPTZ').css('right', '0px'); this.iconClass = 'el-icon-d-arrow-left' } else { $('#showPTZ' + this.rowIdx + this.colIdx + ' > .left-panel-accordion-content ').css('width', '25px'); // $('#showPTZ' + this.rowIdx + this.colIdx + ' > .showPTZ').css('right', '0px'); this.iconClass = 'el-icon-d-arrow-right' } }, close() { this.$emit('close'); }, controlPtz(code){ var params={t:Math.random(),cameraId:this.cameraId,code:code,action:"0"}; controllerHik(params).then(data => { if(data.code==0){ window.setTimeout(() => { params.action = "1"; controllerHik(params).then(data => { if(data.code==0){ }else if(data.code=="0x01900050"){ alert("设备操作失败!"); }else{ alert(data.msg); } }); }, 2000); }else if(data.code=="0x01900050"){ alert("设备操作失败!"); }else{ alert(data.msg); } }); } }, mounted() { $('#showPTZ' + this.rowIdx + this.colIdx + ' > .left-panel-accordion-content').css('width', '25px'); $('#showPTZ' + this.rowIdx + this.colIdx + ' > .showPTZ').css('right', '0px'); } } .showPTZ{ height: 110px !important; position: relative; overflow: hidden !important; display: block; /*background-color:rgba(43, 51, 63, 0.7)*/ background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) } .ptz-panal-up { background-image: none; width: 160px; margin-left: 20px; } .ptz-panal-up-left { background-image: none; } .ptz-panal-up-right { background-image: none; top:8px; } .ptz-speed{ background-image: none; } .left-panel-accordion-content { width: 190px; } .el-icon-d-arrow-left,.el-icon-d-arrow-right{ position: absolute; top:40px; font-size: 25px; cursor: pointer; color: black; } .ptz-auto { background-position: -801px top; } .ptz-up { background-position: -549px top; } .ptz-down { background-position: -591px top; } .ptz-left { background-position: -758px top; } .ptz-right { background-position: -717px top; } .ptz-up-left { background-position: -841px top; } .ptz-up-right { background-position: -633px top; } .ptz-down-left { background-position: -883px top; } .ptz-down-right { background-position: -675px top; } .ptz-zoomin .icon { background-position: -1079px top; } .ptz-zoomout .icon { background-position: -959px top; } .ptz-focusin .icon { background-position: -1119px top; } .ptz-focusout .icon { background-position: -999px top; } .ptz-irisout .icon { background-position: -1159px top; } .ptz-irisin .icon { background-position: -1039px top; } /*>>> .video-wrapper .video-title {*/ /* max-width: 400px;*/ /* top:50px;*/ /* }*/


props: [‘cameraId’, ‘videoUrl’, ‘videoTitle’, ‘cameraName’, ‘rowIdx’, ‘colIdx’, ‘winNum’] cameraId:为摄像头id,用于向后端发起请求调用海康接口获取流地址videoUrl:播放视频的流地址videoTitle:播放窗口右上角标题cameraName:当前选中的摄像头名称rowIdx,colIdx:播放窗口的横纵坐标(用于标识第几个播放窗口)winNum:窗口序号 由于播放视频前需要取流,因为网络等问题可能会导致加载时间过长,默认不显示加载状态,加载样式可以自定义,关键代码:# 属性 v-loading="bLoading" element-loading-background="#000" :loading.sync="bLoading" 效果图:在这里插入图片描述如果想验证取到的流地址是不是有问题,可以通过vlc这个专业的视频播放软件来验证。 在这里插入图片描述

效果图: 在这里插入图片描述



winRows: [ { cols: [ { span: 24, url: '', title: '', cameraId: '' } ] } ], winNum: 1 #分屏方法 setWinNum(winNum) { const rows = Math.sqrt(winNum); this.winNum = rows; // 原来的组件数据存起来 const oriArray = []; for (let i = 0; i if (this.winRows[i].cols[j].url !== '') { oriArray.push(this.winRows[i].cols[j]) } } } // 创建一个新的winRows this.winRows = []; for (let i = 0; i cols: [] }) } for (let i = 0; i if (oriArray.length > 0) { this.winRows[i].cols.push({ span: 24 / rows, url: oriArray[0].url, title: oriArray[0].title, cameraId: oriArray[0].cameraId }) oriArray.splice(0, 1); } else { this.winRows[i].cols.push({ span: 24 / rows, url: '', title: '', cameraId: '' }) } } } } #关闭播放窗口 close(colData) { colData.url = '' colData.title = '' colData.cameraId = '' }, #点击摄像头播放 playVideo(treeNode) { for (let i = 0; i if (this.winRows[i].cols[j].url === '') { const params = { t: Math.random(), code: treeNode.id, protocol: 'hls', streamType: '1' }; getPreviewURLs(params).then(data => { if (data.code === '0') { let purl = data.data.url; if (window.location.host.indexOf('') === 0) { purl = data.data.url.replace('', ''); } const title = treeNode.lineName + '>' + treeNode.workareaName + '>' + treeNode.siteName; // + '>' + treeNode.title; this.winRows[i].cols[j].cameraId = treeNode.id; this.winRows[i].cols[j].url = purl; this.winRows[i].cols[j].title = title; } }); isBreak = true; break; } else { continue; } } if (isBreak) { break; } } },





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